
Master the Art of Winning Proposals to Rocket Your Revenue Growth

sales tools Oct 30, 2024

Effective Proposal Writing for Business Growth

In my recent workshop, *How to Write Proposals that WIN*, I shared practical strategies to make proposals resonate with clients and leave a lasting impression.

Proposals should always focus on the client—not on terms and conditions. Often, proposals end up feeling corporate and impersonal, but this can be avoided by making a few key adjustments that truly enhance client engagement.

**Focus on the Client’s Needs**

A successful proposal puts the client’s priorities front and centre. It’s tempting to start with terms and conditions.  However this risks setting the wrong tone right from the start.

Instead, I recommend saving those details for later in the proposal - yet still making them obvious.  Lead with a client-centred approach that showcases how your team can specifically address their goals.

**Create a Visual and Engaging First Impression**

People tend to scan before they read, so I encourage adding...

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